Our life is created from the choices we have made…or not made.
Transform Your Life Experience!
How much longer are you willing to settle for “Just Okay” when you could be living a life of more fun and adventure…even in your challenges!
It’s time to clear the trauma and drama to manifest your dreams and Thrive!
This is a unique one-On-One Customized To You Program where you can learn the secrets to creating Your Best Life.
I will teach you how I have come to Thrive…and you can too no matter what your relationship status or situation is!
I use a unique tool called the Enneagram (any-a-gram) Personality model that is based on scientific data and is an ancient body of wisdom. It holds the key to unlocking true understanding of the depth of our being and other people, in a kind and compassionate way.
It simplifies our lives by helping us to understand “Who Am I” to the depth of our being and helping us understand why we do what we do and how we feel emotionally loved. You need to know this to find true love! Learn More
If you are not living the life you had envisioned for yourself…why not?
It might be that you just don’t know how to get yourself out of old limiting beliefs and patterns that are sabotaging you.
Are you feeling stuck in life, not living up to your potential, and being trapped in unresolved relationship issues?
Is there a lack of fun and adventure in life, feeling powerless, unhappy, and unfulfilled. It feels like being stuck in the sand while life passes by.
What I have learned in 25 years of being an energy healer is we are unaware of how we create our own unhappiness…therefore, we stay stuck, trapped and powerless.
Most are unaware that YOU can actually attract to you experiences you have always dreamed of…once you have cleared the baggage and begin to lead a more conscious life.
I have manifested many things including spending my winters in Mexico on the beach 🏖️ when at first I thought I would not have the finances or anyone to go with to make that happen.
It took me years and years to learn the concepts in this Program where I now feel powerful and have created a life where I THRIVE!

There is a grief worse than death. it is the grief of a life half lived!
One Day Your Life Will Flash Before Your Eyes…Make Sure It’s Worth Watching Each Step You Take Creates The Outcome Of Your Life!
Have you thought about that? That every step takes you towards your dreams…or keeps you stuck in the sand.
Do you just keep plodding along and hoping your life will change?
What I have learned is that we create our lives day by day with the choices we make…or don’t make. If we are not consciously making choices…life decides for us.
There can be…sooo much more for you…if you “choose to” open your mind to Transformation and Shifting Mindset
You may be halfway through life…is it how you had envisioned it to be?
Imagine clearing all the hurts, wounds and “stuff” holding you back.
Imagine creating the vision to clear obstacles so that you can have a life with more FUN and adventure
Imagine creating a life with more joy and happiness
This Unique Coaching Program is your road map to bring YOU clarity so you can manifest Your Best Life!
✔️Has life become humdrum, monotonous, and mundane? What happened to the dreams you used to have?✔️Do you have stress, fear and worry
✔️Find relationships confusing and don’t know how to resolve personality differences
✔️Experiencing frustration and disappointment of not living your envisioned dream life
✔️Are you unhappy with lack of fulfillment
✔️Feeling powerless and trapped in monotony and the mundane
We are going to dive deep into the true, hidden blocks to bring you awareness of how your patterns have been sabotaging you…and how exciting it can be to release the fears and restrictions to allowing life to bring you more fun and adventures.
Here’s what you will experience in this One-On-One Customized Coaching Program:
You will guided through a Process of Self-Discovery so that you use the Laws Of Attraction to Manifest Your Best Life.
✔️Enneagram Personality: your (any-a-gram) reading showing how you think, feel, act, react and why…and how you feel emotionally loved, become your Best Self through consciousness and awareness
✔️Becoming conscious: Making choices, identifying sabotaging patterns, moving through life lessons, releasing judgement, forgiveness, compassion…and more
✔️Release self sabotaging patterns and healing old traumas and wounds: we can easily be triggered back to feelings of being a victim, creating dramas to get our needs met…in a negative way…causing more low vibration energy. We have been programmed to the fear and negative that keeps us at a low vibrational level. Overcome limitations
✔️Clear and raise your vibrational energy to fire the law of attraction energies: skills to create the consciousness and mindset to form new positive vibrational patterns
✔️Spiritual Concepts: identifying life lessons in challenges, the meaning of life, etc
✔️Healing Modalities: to clear emotional blocks, wounds, hurts from the past and old relationships, identify and release unconscious limiting beliefs and fears
✔️Pattern Tracking: that have kept you stuck with lack and scarcity mindsets
✔️Fundamentals and science of manifesting: vibrational energy, Law Of Attraction, etc
✔️Relationship Coaching to deepen current relationships, attract a love partner, resolve conflicts and issues
Imagine in a year’s time and you are Living Your Best Life with more fun and adventure!
✔️A richer life living more consciously
✔️Clear the confusion in relationships and transform them to flourish
✔️Heal patterns that are sabotaging you
✔️Create more adventure and fun
✔️Releasing frustration and disappointment of not living your envisioned dream life
Here is my promise to you:
If you are willing to invest in yourself…to do the work changing your mindset and raising your consciousness…
You Will Have a happier life, more connected relationships, and more FUN and Adventures!
This Will Be A Life Changing One-On=One Coaching Program!
Start Your Live Your Best Life Now!
If you know someone who is struggling in life and is open to learning how to raise their vibrational energy so that they can manifest,
please share this website with them. With love 💗
**Unsolicited TESTIMONIAL for the Enneagram Relationship Program.
Do you want the marriage/relationship, that you had glimpses of, but can’t sustain?
If you and your mate have a mutual heart felt desire/commitment to achieve a relationship that is within your grasp, this fast evolving program is for you.
Immediately you will inventory your personality bank. From there, with therapeutic coaching (Eileen Head), you and your mate will discover why you are relating the way you are. Each step is not always comfortable. You can’t have the rainbow without the rain.
As you round second base you will have an advent of being the partner you want to be, and likewise for your mate. The recipe for lifelong change gained from each probative step provides a roadmap for happiness that is a dream come true. Sound impossible? It’s not.
This is an intensive program if you immerse yourselves for as little as 10 days and you can have the long-sought relationship you always dreamed of.
It worked for us along with a constant dose of prayer. Each of us discovered characteristics about ourselves; but the undeniable gain is to eliminate the old, negative mannerisms, and then convey them as the new norm of communication.
Remember, all spouses have gifts. Some just open those gifts a little later.
Van & Jo Eve Ellig
**I met Eileen recently, for the first time & felt instantly connected! I think it was likely the fact that her genuine, heart-centred, and very down-to-earth approach to life, and the people she interacts with can be FELT palpably.
I later attended the LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE WORKSHOP of hers that brought the manifestation concepts to life for me, in a way that had only been ‘stuck’ in that concept stage, up until that moment! Eileen has a very practical way of transforming the WooWoo into WOO -Hoo, that I very much appreciate!
And now that she’s introduced me to her world of the Enneagram, I’m hooked in a way like I’ve never been before, and truly believe in myself, and more importantly … in what’s possible!
Thank you Eileen – you are a conduit of REAL-world magic, and my life is enriched beyond measure, for having met you.
~Tracey Bruce-Thomson

I know what it feels like to struggle in life. I was in an unhappy marriage for 35 years feeling stuck, trapped and powerless. As I searched for answers I took many, many courses and trainings which helped me to divorce peacefully. I recreated my single life and career in my mid fifties.
I love coaching as I do not want people to struggle like I did. If you follow me in facebook, you will see that I have created a life where I am thriving. Now life is full of adventures and fun!
Eileen is a Transformational Mindset, Personality Pattern & Relationship Coach, Speaker, Author, Hypnotherapist, Hoʻoponopono practisioner,and Reiki Master. I coach using my gift of intuition.
Couples and Singles, men and women hire Eileen to find or reconnect to deeply intimate, meaningful relationships…because at times…most people feel stuck, trapped, and powerless, to change the situation they are in. It is unconscious patterns that sabotage relationships.
Eileen helps you to shift your mindset, release old beliefs, blocks and patterns, and interprets your personality traits so that you can Live Your Best Life!